Hoover, Alabama is a great place to raise a family. There is a lot of good activities for you and your kids to do. The local library is a great place to be able to get involved. They offer activities for all age groups, even teens. These activities are great because you are giving back to the community you live in and are also meeting new people and learning life skills. You never know where these skills might take you in life.
Movers and Shakers – Dinosaur Stomp!
Children with their caregivers engage in movement, music and creative story exploration to build school readiness and early literacy. This event will take place on Friday, February 17, at 11:00am.
Reception for Local Child Author Nia Mya Reese
Psych Friday
If you like learning, then you probably already go to the library regularly to read books. However, maybe you didn’t know that they offer presentations on different topics. If you are curious about how the brain works, then Psych Friday is the activity for you. They will discuss all kinds of things known about psychology and even cover questions you may have. This event is appropriate for teens and adults and will be held on Friday, March 3rd, 2017 from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM.
Teen Movie Night Out
Teen Movie Night takes place at Patton Creek Carmike and space is limited so sign up early. If you are going to the movies anyways, then you might as well go with others that have a similar interest. It will give you someone to talk to before the film, and afterward, maybe you will meet someone that you want to hang out with more. Who doesn’t love a good movie, and having people to discuss the film with afterward makes it that much better, right? If this sounds like an event that your teen between the ages of 14 – 18 would enjoy, make sure to sign them up early for the Tuesday, March 28th, 2017 event that will run from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM.
The local library in Hoover, AL offers a lot of great activities for teens. If you don’t have anything to do or want an easy way to make new friends, then be sure to check out the activities that sound interesting to you.
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